Josh Sobek, Lost Lake (First Edition) — Comic Colorist
August 2022 - October 2022
I was a  colorist for a few pages on Lost Lake and promo art for Kickstarter.
Christa Harader, Freelance Work — Comic Illustrator
July 2022 - Current
I am currently illustrating a short comic with Christa Harader, the editor and director for Comic Book Yeti. The comic itself is in production and has a brilliantly colored style with action and drama.
HS: AU, Freelance Work - Illustrator
May 2021 - Current
I work as an illustrator for the audio Youtube series “Homestuck:
Alternate Universe” for a year until now.
Interlochen, Michigan — Highschool Graduate
September 2018 - May 2020
I went to an art high school and dutifully made thesis work while expanding my own process.
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